
Entry No.4

A Problem I Encountered and how I solved It

Problems surface everywhere and anywhere. The click is how we manage them. We must stay calm and think of a realistic solution. Frantically screaming and wailing will probably produce another serious problem - Mental Illness. The answer is usually in front of you, so relax and take it easy...

This morning, my Chinese TfU project group discussed about when and where to do the project. We thought about going to the school library to get our project done, but the noise we generated would be a disaster. And when our thoughts gathered to the picnic benches outside the D & T room, we decided that it would be too hot and very uncomfortable. Most importantly, there would not be a computer to let us research the necessary information and make a power point. Then, we arrived at a conclusion that we would go to Xian Jun's house to complete the project as all the facilities needed were present.

After school, we had a quick lunch before boarding Bus 31 to head to Xian Jun's house. When we tried typing Chinese words on his computer, it just would not comply. English letters continued to flow as he typed. We fussed about that incident and were stuck at one point of time. Bingo! We chose to use the other computer in the house and guess what? We could type our desired Mandarin words on this computer! How elated and joyful were we then.

Shortly after, we completed the project with the help of all the group members. I went home straight after that. However, another problem popped up. I turned the wrong way and ended up in some deserted area of the condominium. Staying calm and composed, I looked around and traced back my steps. Twisting and turning, I finally saw the exit gate! Persistence all the way! I went home peacefully thereafter.

Today was a very peculiar day. So many complications arose and I had to figure out diplomatic solutions for them. I am glad that the day is almost over. Tomorrow will be better! Until then...

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