
Entry No.2

A Moment Spent Alone Doing Something I Enjoyed

Well, today I shall introduce to you something that I enjoy doing very much. *Drumrolls* ...Reading! Yes! Books are, to me, the greatest objects in the world. Some people dislike reading, the way some dislike eating durians. They repel books and any reading material. Are the words too numerous and small to see? Or are they just plain lazy and uninterested?

I find reading especially fun and interesting! They are the windows to the universe and the portals to the inner depths of our creative imagination! They broaden my horizons and extend my knowledge. Reading adds more to my vocabulary bank and enable you to use bombastic words to communicate more creatively and make life more vibrant! It keeps me company and takes me into another realm. Books have this particular ability to suck me in and capture my soul. (Fine, at least some books do.) I enjoy reading the beautiful and smooth flowing stories. Absorbing the deep profound meaning of the words go along the way. Books provoke thought too.

Some fantastic books that have befriended me:

and i daresay, hundreds more...

Reading is, you could say, a skill that has to be acquired and nurtured throughout the years. Not everyone can read a 700 page novel, nor can anyone fix a computer. Reading can change the way people think, act and feel, as it has changed mine. There is a wide range of all kinds of books. Non-fiction, fiction, science-fiction, historical accounts, and many, many more. Reading is an escape haven to me. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. I emerge out of this trance-like situation, fully refreshed and vitalised with a clearer vision and a rejuvenated spirit. This helps me concentrate on my studies even better.

But I keep in mind that I must read appropriate and useful material, or else it would be robbing me of my precious time. Reading is like a drug to me, once exposed, the desire for it becomes unstoppable and uncontrolable.

The saying goes, "Dogs are Man's best friend", but I feel that "Books are Man's best friend". And there you go, a moment spent alone doing something I enjoy - READING.

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