
Entry No.5

Something Unusual that Happened that Day
Today was special. And unusual. It was the day the Sec 1s were coming to join us for their first official Red Cross 'training'. Many fun-filled activities would be lined up for them! The first Sec 1 Red Cross orientation 2010 would be a fun and enjoyable one, so we thought.

Some two sec 1s were punctual and arrived before the starting time (2pm). All of us thought that this year's batch was so small... Fortunately, the 13 others arrived and settled down. The day was packed with some interesting activities and some totally pointless ones. This was not expected as we thought that the orientation for the Sec 1s would be more exciting as it was last year.
After the Sec 1s were dismissed, some of the Sec 2 cadets had to stay back for a short meeting regarding the Foot Drill Competition. Everyone in the 'elite' squad did not realise anything strange about this meeting at first. Well, we usually had many of these meetings or discussions regarding the FDC (Foot Drill Competition). But this time was unusual. We entered the Red Cross room to have our meeting, which was uncommon as the Red Cross room was only allowed for seniors. We had barely or never stepped a foot in the room before.

The discussion started with a serious tone. Our chairman raised the question of pulling out of the competition. (!) We gasped in horror and muttered a few shocked words to the persons sitting beside us. Why did he ask us if we wanted to pull out? Were our drills that awful? Was there no chance of winning at all? After the unusual and electrifying question, the chairman told us the reasons for raising the topic:

Firstly, our drills were not up to standard compared to other school. It was not even as good as the Sec 3s. Why should we enter the competition and disgrace ourselves?

Secondly, most of us are unwilling to sacrifice our study time and our personal time. If we had trainings everyday and had tonnes of homework to complete after 5.30pm+, wouldn't YOU think twice? We would probably not be able to cope and would feel completely drained and stressed.

Thirdly, what if we trained hard and put in all that we have and fail to attain the champion's title due to other schools being better? All our time would be wasted and perhaps then, our results are deproving, wouldn't we have had thrown away everything?

Hence, the atmosphere tensed up and became rather awkward. The chairman asked us to think carefully about it and report to him the next day. Dismissed, we gathered at the school canteen and started a 'debate'. Most of us were unwilling to spend any more time to be, possibly, wasted and decided that they would want to pull out. I felt that it was too time consuming. And sacrificing my studies and a bright future just for a trophy and a title wasn't worth it at all. We took a small vote and came to a decision that we would pull out, although some were still keen to participate in the competition. (I was slightly regretful too.) We felt that it would be better for us to go our own ways and come for normal Red Cross trainings once a week. But all will change after this drastic decision.
Many twists and changes were unexpected. This shows how complicated life is. What an unusual day!


Entry No.4

A Problem I Encountered and how I solved It

Problems surface everywhere and anywhere. The click is how we manage them. We must stay calm and think of a realistic solution. Frantically screaming and wailing will probably produce another serious problem - Mental Illness. The answer is usually in front of you, so relax and take it easy...

This morning, my Chinese TfU project group discussed about when and where to do the project. We thought about going to the school library to get our project done, but the noise we generated would be a disaster. And when our thoughts gathered to the picnic benches outside the D & T room, we decided that it would be too hot and very uncomfortable. Most importantly, there would not be a computer to let us research the necessary information and make a power point. Then, we arrived at a conclusion that we would go to Xian Jun's house to complete the project as all the facilities needed were present.

After school, we had a quick lunch before boarding Bus 31 to head to Xian Jun's house. When we tried typing Chinese words on his computer, it just would not comply. English letters continued to flow as he typed. We fussed about that incident and were stuck at one point of time. Bingo! We chose to use the other computer in the house and guess what? We could type our desired Mandarin words on this computer! How elated and joyful were we then.

Shortly after, we completed the project with the help of all the group members. I went home straight after that. However, another problem popped up. I turned the wrong way and ended up in some deserted area of the condominium. Staying calm and composed, I looked around and traced back my steps. Twisting and turning, I finally saw the exit gate! Persistence all the way! I went home peacefully thereafter.

Today was a very peculiar day. So many complications arose and I had to figure out diplomatic solutions for them. I am glad that the day is almost over. Tomorrow will be better! Until then...


Entry No.3

Something that Took Place In School

Many outstanding events would have happened in our school life. Some are still valid to me and occurs every Thursday and Friday... It's RED CROSS, my co-curriculum activity. Red Cross instills discipline and a sense of urgency in cadets. It teaches us to act quickly and the importance of time. First aid, evacuation and footdrills are the main activities we do during trainings. However, since the extremely grand Red Cross Annual Footdrill Competition is around the corner, we had to practice and perfect our drills. Hence, first aid and evacuation were left out for later.

In recent trainings, we were taught some new 'gold commands' like the slow-march, wheeling to the left or the right, etc... It was rather interesting and tricky at the same time. We also polished up our rusty but basic bronze and silver drills like turning on the spot and basic marching. Occasionally, we would get 'pumped' or 'knocked down' (Push-ups) if we did not meet the seniors' expectations. The discipline and standard in Red Cross is very high and there is absolutely no room for any nonsense whatsoever. In order to win the champion's title, we have to work really hard and practice our drills and perform well. Our posture is also very important. It makes us looks smarter and more organised. I hope that our squad will emerge CHAMPION and make our seniors and ourselves proud! Not forgetting that it will also bring glory to the school!

I am looking forward to this Thursday as the new and unpolished jewels - the Secondary Ones - will be officially joining the Victoria School Red Cross Society Cadet Unit (VSRCU). They will enter a new world and experience so many new things. I hope that this new batch of freshly baited Victorians will be enthusiastic and excited about Red Cross as I am!


Entry No.2

A Moment Spent Alone Doing Something I Enjoyed

Well, today I shall introduce to you something that I enjoy doing very much. *Drumrolls* ...Reading! Yes! Books are, to me, the greatest objects in the world. Some people dislike reading, the way some dislike eating durians. They repel books and any reading material. Are the words too numerous and small to see? Or are they just plain lazy and uninterested?

I find reading especially fun and interesting! They are the windows to the universe and the portals to the inner depths of our creative imagination! They broaden my horizons and extend my knowledge. Reading adds more to my vocabulary bank and enable you to use bombastic words to communicate more creatively and make life more vibrant! It keeps me company and takes me into another realm. Books have this particular ability to suck me in and capture my soul. (Fine, at least some books do.) I enjoy reading the beautiful and smooth flowing stories. Absorbing the deep profound meaning of the words go along the way. Books provoke thought too.

Some fantastic books that have befriended me:

and i daresay, hundreds more...

Reading is, you could say, a skill that has to be acquired and nurtured throughout the years. Not everyone can read a 700 page novel, nor can anyone fix a computer. Reading can change the way people think, act and feel, as it has changed mine. There is a wide range of all kinds of books. Non-fiction, fiction, science-fiction, historical accounts, and many, many more. Reading is an escape haven to me. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. I emerge out of this trance-like situation, fully refreshed and vitalised with a clearer vision and a rejuvenated spirit. This helps me concentrate on my studies even better.

But I keep in mind that I must read appropriate and useful material, or else it would be robbing me of my precious time. Reading is like a drug to me, once exposed, the desire for it becomes unstoppable and uncontrolable.

The saying goes, "Dogs are Man's best friend", but I feel that "Books are Man's best friend". And there you go, a moment spent alone doing something I enjoy - READING.


Entry No.1

A Special Moment Spent With My Family
(Actually, it's just with my mother and my elder sister. Second elder sister and father were not free at that time, sadly.)

The school bell went off at 1.40pm sharp. Huge swarms of students buzzed out of their classrooms. We were free! I strolled out of the school gate and a familiar silver car was in sight. My mother was waiting to pick me up already, which was unusual as she was always slightly late. As I paced towards the car, I saw my elder sister waiting comfortably in the car. Numerous questions popped in my mind... What was she doing here? Why was she taking a ride in the car that was supposed to pick me up and head straight home?

I pulled the car door handle and Click! the door snapped open. I went in and my mother told me that we were going to Parkway Parade to have our lunch. Raising an eyebrow, I doubted her unfamiliar words. Were we really going out to eat lunch? Together? Whoa, this was different. As you would have realised from my reaction, my family and I don't go out that often. My mother would usually buy the SAME variety of assorted dishes half the time. Otherwise, she would whip up some tasty and mouth-watering dishes like her famous "Braised Tender Chicken in Dark Soy Sauce".

At first, I was elated for a brief moment. Then I thought about my pile of homework stacking up at home and the heaps of revision that I had to do. I considered asking my mother to alight me somewhere near home and they could go have their nice lunch. But opportunities like these that enable me to spend quality time with my family were hard to come by. Therefore, I decided to tag along, but with a fixed time frame in mind.

We took a lift down to the basement, where our usual hangout for meals was - The Food Court. My family and I frequently patronized the stall, Mee Rebus, which had scrumptious dishes like Laksa, Mee Siam, Curry Noodle and of course, Mee Rebus. I ate Mee Rebus, which was a bowl of delicious, springy yellow noodles with a thick and spicy gravy dunked ontop. It was garnished by a few green chillies and an egg. It was finger-licking good!

My mother had Mee Siam, an abundance of thin bee hoon strands soaked in 'Asam' gravy. A plate of fragrant and aromatic chicken rice was consumed by my elder sister. What a food court! It had so many stalls that sold so many different foods from different cultures and countries all over the world!

After the meal, all of us were rubbing our satisfied stomachs, smiling. We had a nice and pleasant meal as a family. I cherished every moment spent with my family and enjoyed the lunch. All of us went home gleefully, and that, was a special moment spent with my family.



-Required to create 5 blog entries over any five days from 16 Jan, Saturday to 28 Jan, Thursday of which you will choose one to print out an hand to your teacher for formal assesment.

Each entry should be at least 250 words.

The entries should demonstrate the writer's ability to:
-Use language features and structures appropriate to a given audience
-Entertain and inform effectively.

5 entries should cover the following themes:
-something unusual that happened that day
-a problem you encountered and how you solved or managed it
-a special moment you enjoyed with your family
-something that took place in school
-a moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed.

Blog should be ready by 8am, Friday 29 Jan 2010.